our pastors
Pastor Andrew
Pastor Andrew is a pastor with a shepherd’s heart, teacher, visionary, mentor and motivational speaker. He preaches a real and relevant word. He holds a master’s degree in pastoral theology from the University of Wales, Cardiff.
Throughout his many years in Ministry, Andrew has sustained a spirit of excellence and integrity.
He was born in Ghana, West Africa, and raised up as a Baptist, where at the age of 20, was local President of Youth For Christ and also a local group leader of Christian Fellowship holding crusades and establishing churches in villages and colleges in Ghana.
After relocating to the United Kingdom in 1991, he has been instrumental in the successful establishment of several churches. Over 8 years he was also a voluntary chaplain for the YMCA, and now, together with his wife, Rosemary, established Passion For Christ Tabernacle in 2004.
Since then, he has been sought out by many churches, church leaders to speak at many conferences.
This has led to the establishing of PfC Training Centre, a mentoring/training programme, which seeks to restore a true biblical model for a fully functional Five-Fold Ministry in the Church today.

Pastor Rosemary

Pastor Rosemary Baffour-Awuah is an accomplished pastor and teacher and stands also in the office of a prophet with deep insight into God’s word and a natural leader.
Her Passion is To know Christ more and more and to make him known, for transformation of lives of all those she come into contact with.
Based on this, her passion is to impact, enable, encourage, inspire and empower every one with the Word of God, and to make known the Lordship of Jesus Christ in the Church.
She is a sought-after preacher and conference speaker.
Her preaching is dynamic and prophetic. She is able to minister to a wide variety of audiences, from revival meetings, church conferences, women’s seminars.
Healings are often manifest as God begins to deal with core issues in people’s lives. Many have testified to instant freedom from long-term issues they have struggled with for years as she ministers in the Word of Knowledge.